Belly Binding & Postnatal Massage
Home Visit Packages
‘Mothering the Mother’ in this transformational time after birth...
When the mother’s needs are high as she navigates her way through her birth experience and into the person that she now is. She needs the time, and space, to recover and heal from the strenuous act of carrying and birthing a child. Her body is fragile, her internal structures are now adjusting to a non-pregnant homeostasis, and she is likely exhausted, hungry, and overwhelmed.
Please Note: I travel within a 20km radius from Annandale, Sydney, NSW.
The demands that come with becoming a Mother, an all-consuming routine, a hormonal tsunami and disrupted sleep patterns, all contribute to a feeling of fatigue, Muscular-skeletal pain and overwhelm. The new mother’s body is screaming out for some nurturing touch and support.
Postnatal Belly Binding addresses the vulnerability of the Newborn Mother’s belly, abdominal wall, abdominal organs and digestive system.
Bengkung Belly Fabric is used for traditional belly wrapping, or Tubular bandaging if a more convenient style is needed (as the mother can take this on/off herself).
It helps the Newborn Mother feel held structurally as organs slowly make their way to their non-pregnancy positions.
Some women say that when they put it on, they feel comforted, as though they are receiving a warm hug, and with the addition of herbal mixtures and essential oils, the emotional and nervous system are also being nurtured.
Postnatal Massage addresses the pregnancy symptoms that may still be present, such as back, pelvic, hip and wrist pain, and the new discomforts from spending many hours in awkward position from labour, birth, nursing and feeding a newborn. Belly Massage aids recovery, skin tone and enhances mood.
By offering a feeling of wellness, the new mother is less likely to feel so depleted and deficient so that she can heal in a holistic and consistent.
What can you expect?
I have FOUR Packages to choose from…
This is a FIVE-visit package offering Belly Binding and Postnatal Massage, including belly massage.
You will be offered a herbal tea OR Broth and snacks to nourish abdominal organs and/or beautiful essential oils specific to postnatal needs.
1 x Visit including a 75-minute Postnatal Massage, Belly Massage, using a nourishing carrier oil & pure essential oils to warm the body, and calm the mind.
Belly Wrapping with a beautiful Bengkung Traditional Belly Cream Fabric (valued at $64.95).
This is left with you on the first visit.4 x Visits of Belly Massage & Belly Bind only, using a nourishing carrier oil & pure essential oils to warm the body, and calm the mind.
A bottle of Organic Chicken Bone Broth or Shiitake Mushroom Broth Lactation or Recovery Tea, and a container of one-handed treats brought to the three full body massage visits.
Informational support, a listening ear, and resources to gain further awareness and understanding into this special time.
Allow 2 hours (with additional preparation time) for full body massage and belly binding visit and 45 minutes - 1 hour at each belly massage & belly binding visit, with the understanding that there may be pauses to feed or settle baby.
Please note that visits are capped at 2.5 hours.
Total Investment: $900.00
SIX-visit package offering Belly Massage & Bind ONLY at each visit.
You will be offered a herbal tea to nourish abdominal organs and/or beautiful essential oils specific to postnatal needs.
6 x Visits including Belly Massage, using a nourishing carrier oil & pure essential oils to warm the body, and calm the mind, followed by being wrapped with traditional Bengkung Belly Fabric (valued at $64.95).
This is left with you on the first visit.It helps the Newborn Mother feel held structurally as organs slowly make their way to their non-pregnancy positions.
Allow 1 hour per visit.
Total Investment: $900.00
Extra Belly Binding visits or a 75-minute full body massage can be purchased as ad-ons. Please contact me for more information.
NINE-visit package offering Belly Massage & Bind ONLY at each visit.
You will be offered a herbal tea to nourish abdominal organs and/or beautiful essential oils specific to postnatal needs.
9 x Visits including Belly Massage, using a nourishing carrier oil & pure essential oils to warm the body, and calm the mind, followed by being wrapped with traditional Bengkung Belly Fabric (valued at $64.95).
This is left with you on the first visit.It helps the Newborn Mother feel held structurally as organs slowly make their way to their non-pregnancy positions.
Note: If you would like to use tubular bandaging in between visits (can be easily pulled on/off without help), please let me know before our first visit.Allow 1 hour per visit.
Total Investment: $1,200.00
Extra Belly Binding visits or a 75-minute full body massage can be purchased as ad-ons. Please contact me for more information.
THIRTY DAY (every day or every second day) visit Belly Massage & Bind ONLY Package.
It offers 30 days of being wrapped with traditional Bengkung Belly Fabric to support the vulnerability of the Newborn Mother’s belly, abdominal wall, abdominal organs and digestive system.
It helps the Newborn Mother feel held structurally as organs slowly make their way to their non-pregnancy positions.
Her Nervous System will also feel nurtured as she is offered an Abdominal Herbal Pack and Warming Ayurvedic Massage Oils massaged into her belly and then wrapped to complete the session.
Informational support, a listening ear, and resources to gain further awareness and understanding into this special time.
Postnatal Teas & Snacks are brought along every few days!
Allow one hour per visit.
Total Investment: $3,000
Please Note: I travel within a 20km radius from Annandale, Sydney, NSW.
How soon after birth can I receive massage?
Your treatments can begin within three days following a vaginal birth.
If you have had a Caesarean Birth, please get in touch and we can discuss your needs. A medical release may be needed.
“Hold the Mother as she holds her baby.
Wrap the Mother as she wraps her baby.
Support the Mother so that she can support her baby!”
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